Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cassie O.reo

Whereas Cassie admits defeat and has ceased any form of health-related activity until the 13th of September that she may fit into a bridesmaid dress, and whereas Amanda warns Cassie that ceasing such activities may have an adverse effect on the situation thereby making Cassie too large for the dress as opposed to too small, and whereas Cassie assures Amanda that the suggestion is possible but unlikely, I present the subsequent text message conversation having taken place 50 minutes later:

Amanda: Just ran 4 miles on the treadmill
Cassie: I just ate an oreo lol
Amanda: Haha
Cassie: My calories are vicariously leaving through you

Oreo caloric content here. Calorie calculator here.

1 comment:

  1. run a mile and a half for three oreos!!
    (i also had tacos for dinner ... )
