Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday Musings: My Job in Social Media

For all of you who think that I spend my day surfing the web and reading blogs and commenting on message boards and watching the latest YouTube hit, have I got something for you!

Finally, a finished project that is not only tangible, but will hopefully put to rest all of those comments, like:

"So how are the blogs?"


"I wish I could spend my day surfing the web."

It's not that these comments are a bother, because seriously, while the average person may know about Twitter and Facebook (and blogging and YouTube and podcasting, etc), they may NOT fully realize how following and tracking and understanding all of that stuff could actually be someone's job.

So, when I took a job in social media and was slapped with the title of Social Media Coordinator and told to conduct market research and strive to understand the target audience while using technical jargon as opposed to common slang . . . well, what I did suddenly wasn't so clear.

So, I ended up letting people think what they want. Even if they ended up thinking that I sat around reading celebrity websites and watching Scarlet Takes a Tumble.

But not anymore!

Now, when someone asks me what I do, I'll say: "Go here."

And if they're a bit more confused, I'll say: "I helped develop that site, and provided most of the content." Then, I'll push my glasses up my nose and say: "It was based highly off of my research, of course."

And then I'll smile proudly, intead of cowering behind terms like Search Engine Optimization and Web Analytics and WOM, because now even I have a handle on what I do.

August 8
Words: 134
Total: 3,853


  1. PR rules. this is why writeing is awesome. Social Media is the main reason you minored in my Degree :) you rock amanda

  2. You figured out what you do AND you still want to do it?! You're a success for the education system!
